Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today My Fortune Cookie Says !!!

Today, not much activities. Been staying home on the internet whole day.
I checked out on this new site where you can drive instantly drive a Flood of Targeted Readers to you blog.....with the Fastest and Easiest way.....and Absolutely
FREE.This site is call BlogRush.


BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need:
More Readers For Their Blog.
By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.

Today My Fortune Says" The Shortest Distance Between two people is A Smile" How true is this? A smile will bring out the sunshine in everyone, a smile will heal pain, a smile will break the ice in silence.A smile can stop tears, a smile can cheer you up,A smile can do wonders. Start your day with a smile !!!

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